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llégitime Défense produces and distributes documentaries for almost 20 years. In 2011, Gaddafi our Best Enemy has been sold to over 60 channels, gaining us the French Export Prize. In 2015, our 1st docu-drama (Vigée Le Brun, Marie-Antoinette’s painter), supported by Media, was critically and publicly acclaimed on 16 channels and screened at prestigious places such as Paris Grand Palais or New York Met Museum.
Illégitime Défense was consequently designated as Documentary Producer of the year. Our editorial line is built around 4 genres for which we have a strong recognition on the international scene: society/current affairs, geopolitical issues, culture and history.
Years after years, we have built long-term relationships with foreign partners who steadily support our productions.
After a first drama produced in 2004, the company develops fiction projects again since 2019.




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